Jun 27, 2007


This is the image nderry has plastered on the front page of a rag he called an online newspaper. Another tabloidy story about a domestic dispute that has no bearing on the average samba on the streets of Banjul.

However the story doesn't end there. Because the picture he is running with the story is that of Ismaela K. Sambou ( the lands and local government minister). This is a gross violation of journalistic tenets. Mr. Sambou is not remotely connected to the story, but nderry in his infinite laziness used the man's image in relation to a domestic dispute case. If I am minister Sambou, I will sue for misrepresentation.

This is where he stole the original photo from.

This is not an innocent mistake. Nderry or his web master knew that the picture they are using is not related to the story... but they went along any way. I am not a lawyer, but I think Mr. Sambou has a genuine case here.

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