Sep 10, 2007

Very Busy

I have been very busy lately. Just accepted a software development job, which precipitates my move from the east coast of the United States to the Pacific northwest. Don't get any ideas nderry. I am not that easy to track.... I know you are dying to know who I am.

I have not been reading nderry lately...Moving isn't easy I tell ya. I have been living and geeking it up on the east coast for the past decade, so packing up and moving across the country is a monumental task. Following nderry was the least on my priorities list. It will stay that way for a minute. I am still trying to piece together my new surroundings. I may periodically drop in here and there, but a brother got to eat you know.

If any of you are interested in posting, be my guest....let me know.


Anonymous said...

"Following nderry was the least on my priorities list:" This is strange. Then Y are U starting a web blogk site 2 corrckt nderrie? But U have time to change the look of U blogk. nderry must be overtakin' you on the fast lane track. Kan U keep up? lauf lauf laf lauf or krie krie krie

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